THIS IS NOT A TEST Podcast - Music marketing, or: how to buy the same song 15 times

Music marketing, or: how to buy the same song 15 times

We’ve all done it, bought a song – or an entire album – that we already have. Do you blame technology or marketing? While we ponder that we’ll also ponder getting your arm chopped off in big piece of farm equipment, chance, luck, chaos, the Pope, opinions, monkey meat, The Beatles, The Monkees, Victrolas, 8-tracks, leaving your cassettes in a hot car, cynical attempts to separate you from your money, remastering, plastic apples, Blink 182, 180-gram vinyl, Thanksgiving dinner at your parent’s house, skinny jeans and the shithole that is Stitcher.

THIS IS NOT A TEST Podcast - Music marketing, or: how to buy the same song 15 times




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2 responses to “Music marketing, or: how to buy the same song 15 times”

    1. mjpinla Avatar

      You can’t avoid it.

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